You Should Make The Most Of LinkedIn

More than 75% of people aren’t accessing LinkedIn the way they’re supposed to. LinkedIn is more than just a place to plop your resume and it’s certainly not the social platform where you want to create a meager professional profile. If this is how you view LinkedIn and you’re hoping to be asked for a connection by the next big headhunter or people in your industry, you may be waiting a while.
Why? Because when it comes to marketing your business or personal brand, this platform is the world’s largest professional social network that provides you with the tools to promote your brand, and generate more leads and sales.
If you're trying to market your business or personal brand, you really should be using LinkedIn.Click To TweetOf all the social networks; including Facebook – if you’re trying to build a brand online and looking for a rich source of customers in your niche, you really should be using LinkedIn.
LinkedIn has over 400 million users and the average income of its users is over $100,000. Now, let’s do a little math, shall we?
If you have a product that is sold for $25, and it’s purchased by just 1% of the users on LinkedIn you’ve made a connection with, what would that look like for you? How about a nice rounded $100,000,000?
If you haven’t been utilizing LinkedIn, are you considering it now?
It’s unfortunate that some users still think of LinkedIn as a place to be discovered by their dream employer because it’s so much more than that!
It’s a source of clients and prospects who are actively trying to make a connection with the people most likely to have the products and services that they are searching for and ready to purchase!
It’s a professional source that many companies, schools, colleges and even organizations use as a tool to get to know their potential candidates.
But, here’s the thing – LinkedIn differs in many important ways from Facebook. So, while you may be an avid Facebook user, you cannot apply the same strategies to LinkedIn. Facebook users generally aren’t as professional nor are the users’ average income high either. The average LinkedIn user holds a leadership position in their respective company and they are the decision-makers regarding products and services.
So, consider this. When you make a connection with them on this professional social network and start engaging with them, most likely you won’t have to cold call because they’ll come to you and ask for what they need in your niche.
Let’s think about this – you have direct access to intelligent decision makers with extensive financial wealth or resources, with no cold calling required. Are you beginning to get an idea of why you should make the most of LinkedIn?
If learning a little more about why you should make the most of LinkedIn has you realizing you need to polish your profile or worse…create one! Don’t panic, help is here. I have just put the finishing touch on our LinkedIn: The Beginner’s Guide To Rocking Your Online Reputation. Download it today!

Hazel Burgess
Hazel is the Founder & SEO Director at Envisager Studio, a premier website design agency specializing in WordPress website design, development and internet marketing. In her spare time, she writes about search engine optimization, website design, and internet marketing.