The Marketing Rule of 7: Tips
The Marketing Rule of 7 contends that your prospects need to see your offer at least 7 times before they will take action. While 7 is just the bare minimum, don’t stop letting your prospects know about your offer. Instead, keep your marketing message front and center because out of sign for marketing is out of mind. It’s important to understand that continual exposure builds credibility and familiarity. As such, it fosters trust and influences your audience’s behavior.
Utilizing multichannel approach, varying your message, consistency, etc., are all tenets related to The Marketing Rule of 7. Experienced marketers know that your chances of converting a prospect to a customer at their first interaction with your brand are extremely low. Albeit there are exceptions to this, but they generally exist with low-value consumer products that can elicit a spontaneous purchase decision. For example, a chocolate bar at the checkout.Download these tips about The Marketing Rule of 7 and learn how to:
- Amplify your content in social channels
- Activate your digital remarketing channels
- Develop a plan to make yourself visible amongst your target customers