GiGi's Healing

GiGi’s Healing is a comprehensive alternative medicine practice in Whittier, California that provides products and therapeutic services for whole body well-being. Their new holistic health website design by Envisager Studio, is a collaborative effort designed to effectively promote their practice online. Connecting with patients worldwide allows GiGi’s Healing to empower individuals with the healing power of nature on a larger scale.

Services provided:







Holistic Health Website Design | Envisager Studio
Holistic Website Designs | Envisager Studio San Diego

About the project

As an alternative medical provider and a practice focused on holistic medicine, GiGi’s Healing presented a unique set of challenges. The difficulties lied in creating a harmonious balance between conveying accurate information and maintaining the almost mystical aspect the client was seeking. In this holistic health website design we achieved this through the use of a visual style that evokes feelings of authenticity, harmony, and calmness.

Logo + branding

Gigi’s Healing features a combination logo combining text and pictorial elements to create a comprehensive logo design that includes both symbolic imagery and the brand name. The hands are a representation of the practitioner’s healing hands cupping the abstract person as if to heal them. For the color, we created a gradient antique gold that represents spiritual enlightenment and transformation. Our goals was to achieve a sense of purity, wisdom and spiritual attainment. The result is a visual that is elegant, modern and accurate to the brand.
Holistic Health, Medicine Logos | Envisager Studio
Holistic Health Website Design by Envisager Studio

Holistic health website design

To begin the design, we started with a video of soothing tulips swaying in the grass amidst a gentle breeze. Not only is this aesthetically pleasing, but it also provides a captivating, soothing experience. As you progress down the homepage, we prominently showcase services and products provided by GiGi’s Healing. Imagery, as well as font colors and typography were carefully selected to ensure complementary to the overall design.

Each page in this holistic health website design is optimized with SEO which enhances GiGi’s Healing online visibility and greater prominence on Google. With the practice’s new website, GiGi’s Healing is set to help people evolve as caring beings through all phases of their life.

Marketing services

For Gigi’s Healing holistic health website design, their marketing strategy focuses on blog posts and email campaigns. Both strategies target a specific segment of the Whittier, California demographic. Our Envisager Studio marketing specialists aimed their sights on those seeking self-transformation. This allowed us to employ a tone of healing emotionally, physically, and spiritually. With this in mind, our marketing campaigns expressed that along with conveying promotional content. The result was an increase in website traffic and a higher appointment rate for the practice.
Alternative Medicine Website Design | Envisager Studio

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