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11.18.20 in Internet Marketing

How To Promote Your Blog Posts With Quora Marketing

How To Promote Your Blog Posts With Quora Marketing

Reading is an excellent way to wind down. Once you get into the flow, you become immersed in your own world, and time seems to stand still. In fact, psychologists have linked this state to happiness. Not having to think about external problems, the literary world can be blissful.

Why Quora Stands Out

While reading remains an art, the world around us is not always conducive to reading.

For example, the web has millions of repositories facilitating favorable information uptake. Actually, few websites are capable of doing this. Most are have poor layout, contain lots of filler content or littered with popup notifications.

Quora seems to be the exception to the rule.

It’s a stress-free reader’s happy zone and the perfect platform to gain and disseminate information. With these attributes, it’s evident why you may want to promote your blog posts with Quora marketing.

Since there’s a little finesse involved, we’re sharing tips on how you can promote your blog posts on Quora. Plus, you’ll connect with millions of avid readers who can’t help but keep scrolling once they get started reading.

Ok, let’s go!

Reasons To Promote Your Blog Posts With Quora Marketing

There is tons of knowledge on Quora. As a user, you can find great answers to some of your topics of interest. The platform is structured to make it easy to click through to in-depth articles linked to the Quora answers.

Unlike other sites, Quora doesn’t embrace the “in your face” marketing tactics.

Incidentally, Google Analytics loves reporting on referral traffic. Since Quora is an excellent source of this, it’s worth diversifying your content into the platform.

Quora Marketing Drives Traffic

While link building can help boost your website’s SEO value, this doesn’t always equate to more traffic.

On the other hand, Quora can go beyond link building and focus on getting better traffic. For this, your content needs to be informative and pique the interest of readers from the onset.

The idea is to keep our post brief and share a link to your blog towards the end. The probability is high that people will click the link and follow through on whatever call-to-action you shared.

How To Promote Your Blog Posts On Quora

Work on your profile

As you begin your Quora marketing journey, pay special attention to your profile page. With the right kind of detailing, the profile section can enhance your portfolio. To encourage people to keep following, your knowledgable posts should agree with the profile you created.

Succinctness in the bio is important because you need to express yourself in about 80 characters. I know, not a lot of wiggle room here. Ideally, you want the “headline” section that lies below your display name to go straight for the jugular.

As such, preparedness is key. Take out your notebook and jot down which topics you want to focus on. Once decided, concentrate your efforts on that one thing and work towards becoming a thought leader in that industry.

Your profile also serves as the perfect spot to place a link to your website or blog. Don’t forget you’re working within character constraints here. So, try to see if it’s possible to shorten the URL to allow space to share more about your persona.


With the profile section all wrapped up, it’s time to start searching for possible questions to answer. The accuracy of the information you share will play a big role in influencing the your followers.

To gain perspective of which answers suit you, navigate towards the search field. Then, have a go at different topics in your niche. From here, allow the results you get from your search history to influence how you format your responses to questions.

Importantly, pay special attention to the topics that have a large following. This is because providing informative quips on such topics is likely going to see you garner impressive view counts and upvotes from other users.

What do you make of Quora marketing? Is it something you can embrace in your marketing mix? Let us know in the comments below!