3 Accessibility Tools For WordPress Websites
Website designers and web developers have many objectives when building WordPress websites. From on-page SEO to mobile friendly, to page speed, aesthetics, and making sure sites are user friendly. The ...

Why Sliders and Carousels Are Bad For WordPress Web Design
Using sliders in your WordPress web design looks pretty. But they most often also make your site pretty slow. Even though they're very modern, animations look great, sliders are not ideal for WordPres ...

Why You SHOULD Show Dates On WordPress Posts
There is big debate surrounding whether you should show dates on WordPress posts. In my opinion, it doesn't matter the type of website you have or types of articles you write about. I feel you definit ...

7 Easy Ways To Secure Your WordPress Website
An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure. Secure your WordPress website. It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening than it is to fix the bad thing once it has happe ...

WordPress For Small Business
Using WordPress for small business let's your business go beyond the static, unappealing online representation of your brand. If your small business needs a website or you are planning a redesign, bui ...

Tips To Protect Your WordPress Website Against Hackers
WordPress is the most popular CMS for website design. As website owners, you must take the necessary steps to protect your WordPress website against hackers. From Fortune 500 companies like UPS, Xe ...

WordPress Child Themes: Why You Should Use Them
Before I go into why you should used WordPress child themes for your small business website, let's first talk about what a WordPress child theme is. All WordPress websites are built using a theme whic ...

Why Use WordPress For Web Design?
I attended a web design-related event some months ago regarding the now well-established WordPress website/blog building platform. It