10 Tips For A Secure Computer
Having a secure computer is more important than ever. Compared to just a few years ago, smartphones and computers have become an essential part of almost everyone’s daily lives. With the huge usage in ...
Apple CarPlay
As if we’re not already doing enough craziness while driving, you can now browse the Internet in your car. On a more serious note, later this summer, Apple will be rolling out its new CarPlay gadget o ...
STOP Using Internet Explorer!
The new Internet Explorer vulnerability has prompted both the United States and United Kingdom governments to issue a world-wide warning – STOP using Internet Explorer. The alarming recommendation is ...
Foursquare For Small Business Owners Everywhere
Foursquare and Facebook have similar features for their check-in services, including free use for personal and business, however
Heartbleed Is A Serious Security SSL Vunerability
This is a must-read article. The Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability is REAL. All the chatter across the Internet is not hype – this is a major web problem. This serious vulnerability allows stealing pro ...
Is Poor Customer Service Costing Your Business?
Does your company view customer service as a necessary evil or as an integral part of your company’s mission? To toot our horn a bit, at Envisager Studio our customer service record is 98 percent ...
Why Should Businesses Blog?
Why should businesses blog where there are so many ways to promote yourself, your business, products and services on the Internet. The top social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus ...
4 Ways You May Be Wrecking Your Web Presence
Most small business owners are good at multitasking. They’re the sales rep, marketing director, office manager, customer...
Twitter Lead Generation Cards
Grow Your Email List with Twitter Cards Initially only available to big brands through Twitter advertising, the service is now available to all users. If you have a Twitter account you can get people ...
5 Facebook Updates
Facebook has been adding, removing, creating features for the social network. Here’s a rundown of the most recent