Envisager Studio

06.20.14 in Social Media

Best Practices for News Feeds Facebook Content

Best Practices for News Feeds Facebook Content

News feeds Facebook content is changing. Many brands and businesses were upset when Facebook announced their latest updates to its algorithm.

News Feed is the constantly updating list of stories in the middle of your home page. News Feed includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity and likes from people, Pages and groups that you follow on Facebook.

Posts that you see first are influenced by your connections and activity on Facebook. The number of comments, likes and reactions a post receives and what kind of story it is (example: photo, video, status update) can also make it more likely to appear higher up in your News Feed.

But, if Facebook is still an avenue you’re using for your social media strategy, you should be aware of which types of posts your fans will most likely see in their News Feeds. Here are a few good tips to follow:

Post Type

Use the story type – whether it’s a status, photo, video or link – that best fits the message you want to tell.

  • Reduce the number of text-only posts.
  • Use more image posts. Image posts have more engagement.
  • When sharing a link, use link-share rather than embedding the link in the copy of your post. You’ll get better engagement and better News Feed placement.


Your posts news feed Facebook content should always connect back to your brand or business. Take out the profile photo or logo and you should still be able to recognize the brand.

  • Stay ahead of the trends. Post about trending topics in real-time.
  • Maintain a consistent look and feel. Include a strong brand tone and voice.


Limit copy to less than one hundred characters.

  • Rarely exceed 250 characters.
  • Speak in the first person, use language like “us” or “our products”.
  • Include a call to action or question.


  • Use custom images or memes whenever possible.
  • Use less stock imagery.
  • Always include a brand watermark or logo if not already within the photo.