4 Business Owners That Might Not Think They Need a Website (and Why They Do)

Business owners that need a website don’t often think they do. Are you a small business owner looking for ways to extend your reach and find new customers? Then, it’s time to start thinking seriously about a website. About 36.7% of small business shoppers discover new businesses through online research.
Therefore, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have an online presence. But, nearly half of small businesses still don’t. Why is that?
Why Small Business Owners Need a Website
The majority of that need a website say it’s because ads outrank organic placement in SERPs. Well, of course it does. Think about it. If you ‘pay’ for something, you get more options and features. And sometimes, preferential treatment. But that’s nothing new.
So, if you’re asking, ‘do I even need a website anymore?’ The answer is YES. And you’ve never needed a website more than you will in 2019!
With Google’s previous algorithm, a query with local intent displayed ten nearby businesses in search results. Each entry directed users to the perspective brand’s website.
Google modestly rewarded these marketing efforts in the form of rankings and traffic.
Then the search results shrank to seven spots, and then three. This all happened with Google’s ‘mobile index first’ algorithm update last year.
In this post, we’ve collected four business owners that need a website. And we’ll examine why we think they do.
01. Every Real Estate Agent Need A Website
Many agents feel that the realtor they are signed up with is sufficient online presence. Competition in real estate is fierce. And, being grouped with other agents doesn’t allow your unique skill set to stand out.
Additionally, having your own professional real estate website increases your search ranking possibilities. For example, potential clients searching for ‘San Diego real estate agents’. Your own website will be amongst the search results.
Besides, if you leave that realty company, you’ll have to start fresh building your authority.
02. Doctor Offices & Dentists Need A Website
Insurance networks are helpful in helping new customers find healthcare providers. However, when it comes to people’s own healthcare, they are more self-reliant.
It’s great when patients find your practice through their insurance network. However, they will still do their own research about your practice before booking an appointment. Having a professional medical website design for your practice can make a big difference.
Potential patients can view your photos, staff bios, and testimonials from previous patients.
03. Landscapers Need A Website
It can feel like an open range working outdoors all day. And after that experience, who wants to think about the world wide web.
But landscaping advertisements like lawn signs are more effective when they direct viewers to a website. Potential clients can learn more about your skills, prices and services.
And having high-quality images of past jobs can really show off your artistic abilities.[clear]
04. Dry Cleaner Business Owners Need A Website
Gone are the days when dry cleaners can rely on neighborhood foot traffic to bring in business. Now with on-demand apps like Dropmint and Relaxx growing in popularity, it’s critical that your business shows in search results to compete.
Having a website is crucial for potential customers who prefer a local brick-and-mortar dry cleaner. When they search online and find an on-demand services instead, you’ve lost that new customer opportunity.[clear]
If you’ve ever considered having a website for your business, you can bet your competitors have to. This is a unique opportunity for you if you run one of these business types. So, give yourself the competitive advantage and get online first. Did you know that at least a third of shoppers are not likely to shop with your business if you don’t have a website. Because as I mentioned early in this article, people like to do their own research about a business.
So make sure potential customers can find you on the web. Don’t quite know where to start? Our agency help businesses of all size gain their place on web. Give us a call today at (858) 874-6528 or request a website design quote online.
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Dr. Amelia Davis
Dr. Amelia Royster-Davis is a Doctor of Education and an Instructional Designer. As the Director of Web Development at Envisager Studio, her primary focus is to lead the web development team in building modern, responsive websites. In her spare time, she writes about web development, UI and UX.