8 Questions Every Website Designer Should Ask Clients

A website holds much importance for a small business as it is the online representation of the business. Therefore, there are crucial questions every website designer should ask clients. If this is the first website design for the business owner, he or she may underplay the significance of the online presence. Also, they may not have a clear vision regarding the design and appearance of the website.
A website designer, however, must have a clear vision of the client’s requirements. There are several ways to obtain this information. One is during the initial phone consultation. And two, email the client a questionnaire. But be prepared that it may be returned to you with less filled out than you hoped for. And several emails and phone calls will become necessary.
A List Of 7 Questions Every Website Designer Should Ask Clients
1. Business Description
Often referred to as “elevator pitch”, the business description is a concise version of what the company does. It also typically explains who the services are for and why people may need those services. Additionally, the business needs to provide how it goes about completing those services.
In general, the business description should be succinct, interesting and memorable. But most importantly, it needs to describe how your business is unique amongst your competition. Providing this accurate description to the website designer enables them to design an attention-grabbing website.
2. What is the Domain Name?
If the client already has a registered domain name, the web designer can make it a reference point for the design. If not, a suitable domain name will need to be brainstormed that would best represent the company’s profile.
3. Target Audience
The target audience must be filtered on the basis of age, gender, marital status, race, etc. If the website design company knows the audience to target, a more specific design can be created.
Plus, organic no longer means “green”. With so many different terms, it’s easy to get confused. In case of certified organic products, the manufactured goods must adhere to strict environmental regulations and meet the USDA standards. Green is a term used for a product that benefits the environment.
4. Website Goal and Purpose
The goal of the website and the purpose the client wants it to serve influences the design of the website. The designer must be clearly informed about them.
5. Any Website Preferences
Many website design companies are averse to asking this question. However, any website preferences of the client can help the designer to better understand the requirements. But the preferred websites must not copied rather treated as an inspiration.
6. Are There Existing Design Elements?
The designer must ask about existing brand collateral like the logo and brochure for examples. Also whether these elements will be used in the new website design or if they need to be updated.
7. Amount of Website Time Client Will Invest
How much time does the client plan to invest in the website weekly? Depending on the client’s answer, SEO elements like a blog will need to be integrated into the website design. And also built into the website development process.
8. Who Will Maintain The Website?
Websites built on content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and others, require regular maintenance. Because these are open source CMS, they must be properly maintained to ensure the health and security of the website. The website designer and website developers must give notable consideration to the site’s architecture if the client is maintaining the site. Streamlining the WordPress dashboard, adding security systems, and simplifying the Visual Editor should be implemented.
Careful consideration must be given to the layout and design of the website to make it easier for a novice site owner to edit content. Additionally, the designer should provide detailed instructions to the client.
On the other hand, the aforementioned setups can be omitted if the web design company will be maintaining the website.
Are you looking for the best website design companies in San Diego? Call us at (858) 874-6528 for your upcoming website design project.
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Dr. Amelia Davis
Dr. Amelia Royster-Davis is a Doctor of Education and an Instructional Designer. As the Director of Web Development at Envisager Studio, her primary focus is to lead the web development team in building modern, responsive websites. In her spare time, she writes about web development, UI and UX.